About Church

About the Church

 Saint Elizabeth Seton Church is a warm and welcoming parish.  Our greeters at the front door invite everyone
to share in inspirational prayer and liturgy.  Our community stresses involvement and empowerment of the laity.      

 Eucharist is shared in both species, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.  Baptism and First Communion are celebrated as part of the Masses.
Those who cannot share in Eucharist are invited forward to receive a blessing instead of the host.
Children are part of the parish family and participate in every celebration

 The building was designed and constructed by parishioners with minimal stained glass used in the building.
The use of clear glass windows allows people to contemplate God’s creation!

 Stewardship Initiative

Stewardship is a way of life.  It is an extension of our spiritual life in which we return our gifts in gratitude to a loving God for all that He has provided.
Stewardship is based on the biblical teachings of the Old Testament and the New Testament teachings of Jesus.  Today’s steward is called to embrace scripture, which provides insight, revelation and direction in our lives.  In many ways the Stewardship Way of Life is a radical departure from today’s consumer culture which celebrates wealth and material achievement.  As disciples of Jesus we are called to share and to serve in Christ’s name and to be active members of a worshiping community known as parish.  In everyday life, good stewardship means:

  • Humbly accepting the fact that all we have and all that we are comes from God.

  • Sharing with God and others the first portion of what God gave you.

  • We give to God and others as Jesus did in gratitude for all God gave us,
    trusting that God will meet our personal needs.


In your prayer perhaps consider the following questions:


  • How does my faith and my religion impact on my life?

  • How strong is my affiliation to my community of faith, Saint Elizabeth Seton?

  • Am I committed to being an active and supporting member of that parish?

  • Is this reflected in my participation and support?

  • How does my faith affect my support of other charitable causes?

  • Am I involved in other activities outside the Church to help people?

  • Am I a good steward of my time, talent and treasure?

Stewardship is a way of life…sharing myself and all that I have with God and others.

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